Ranched Mink Pelt, Grey Fleck

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-This is for one (1) Grey Fleck Ranched Mink pelt

**These are a lower grade of Ranched Mink**
**All pelts will have at least one small hole in the head due to method of dispatch**
**A majority of the pelts do not have tails**

-The fur on these pelts is a creamy white with a pearl sheen on the hairs, and a grey streak with some flecks of grey hairs through-out the fur. Very pretty!

-Pelts measure any where from 25"-32" in length and 3"-4" in width.

-*Premium Grade - pelt is in nice condition with minimal to no bite marks, no rubs, and a good face. Fur is thick and silky soft.

-*Medium Grade - pelt is in good condition with some bite marks and/or minor rubs or small hole, face may have some defects or may have larger eye hole(s). May have some discoloration in the belly. May have some areas missing the guard hairs.

-*Imperfect Grade - pelt is in okay condition with bite marks and/or rubs in the fur, face may have some defects, and the pelt may have a hole(s) or rip(s). May have more prominent discoloration in the belly. May have some larger areas missing the guard hairs.

-You will not find ranched mink pelts for a better price!
